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Esmeralda, like all teenagers, deserved to grow up with her family in a safe place she can call home. Unfortunately, in many places in the world illegal activities has taken over neighborhoods and forced people to live in fear. This is what happened to Esmeralda and her family in El Salvador. As they unknowingly watched the drugged cartel methodically force them into financial ruins, it was the flick of one match that changed Esmeralda’s life forever as her childhood home burned down and she went from being a teenage sister to a teenage mother when she took responsibility for raising her brother Marco. After escaping the situation, she was born into, Esmeralda and Marco went on the run and finally found themselves in a place with someone that made their safety a priority. Not long after Esmeralda falls in love and is invited to move to America. Unfortunately, for her boyfriend Jose, that move to America doesn't include Marco. In an effort to force her boyfriend Jose to accept Marco, she brings him with her when she moves to America. This does not go over well but what we find is that some people are willing to do unthinkable things for the sake of finding the freedom they believe they deserve. When Esmeralda wakes up one morning and cannot find Marco, she finds out that Jose has dropped him off at the border. Raising her little brother was a job that she took the responsibility of and even if it takes the rest of her life to find him, she will never stop looking. *Performer should be of Latinx background.

Finding Marco

  • (Scene opens with Esmeralda, a nineteen-year-old girl from Chiltiupan, El Salvador. She aimlessly looks in all directions, searching. She is clearly heartbroken. Yelling off.) Marco. Marco! (She’s out of breath, she looks up and sees the audience and approaches, pleading) I am- I am looking for- (beat) my name is Esmeralda Mejia, I’m nineteen years old and I’m looking for my… my little brother Marco. He went missing a few days ago and I have been looking for him since I made it (looking around) here. He’s about 4 ½ feet tall and he- he has the biggest brown eyes and black hair… he’s only ten…. And I lost him. I did that, I lost my little brother.

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