Full Title: Confessions of a Daddy’s Girl: My Dad is Better Than Your Dad, Daredevil Dad, Daddy’s Day, My Dad- Mom
The relationship of parent and child is one unlike any other, you will learn to know many people as you grow, but few will know you as deeply as your family. This poetry explores the life, love, joy, and hardships that families experience in a lifetime. A daughter will experience many versions of her father as she grows into adulthood. These poetic confessions embody the loving memories a daughter shared with her father. Through her eyes, we will see that love is not just in his words, but in the hundreds of ways, his actions left impressions on her heart.
Confessions of a Daddy’s Girl
Because he has best fart jokes,
And they usually involve the dog.
He has the best laugh,
So good that others cannot help but laughing.
Because he used to decorate our house for Halloween so well
That he made it so scary no one dared to get our candy.
My dad was so good at playing Santa,
That I believed until I was ten years old.
My Dad is better than your Dad…
Because he was always in the audience to support me
Sing not so great I might add in the talent show.
Star in the high school musical…
March in every Friday night game, and all the way to the state band competition!