Rachel and Isabella are typical teenagers living completely different lives. Rachel is going into her senior year in America where life in her world has been nothing short of perfect. Where Isabella is a teenager living in a Mexican orphanage after the tragic death of her parents and siblings. But through letters Rachel and Isabella not only become friends but they become sisters and it is through this sisterhood that Rachel's parents decide to adopt Isabella and bring her to America. Rachel told Isabella how wonderful it is to live in her neighborhood, experience her family, attend her school, reminding Isabella that she would be loved as if she were a member of the family. This is the love that Isabella not only needs but has hoped for since she lost her family. As Isabella gets comfortable in her new home she begins school. It is in her walk to the cafeteria that an announcement comes on telling all of the students to shelter in place. This announcement was different, it was followed by screams and a gunshot. The gunshots continued, there was an active shooter on their campus. All the things Rachel told Isabella about, school shootings in America wasn't one of them. Because of the chaos they were unable to connect with each other physically but through messages Rachel told Isabella to stay put and the police would come and get her. But what happens when a young girl who has lost everything is confronted by a shooter who wants her to do 1 simple thing, run. Isabella decides to take a stand that day, a stand different than the one she took when her family died. But in the end, both girls realize that each of the life decisions they made that day were what they needed to do at that moment in time.
Death of a Dream
(Scene begins with Rachel, a seventeen-year-old waiting anxiously. She holds a large “Welcome home” sign in one hand and looks at her phone with the other. She looks back and forth to the phone then off in the distance, her phone, the distance, and back again. The picture on her phone is of a Latinx teenage girl about her age. She looks up a final time, she sees her. She begins to wave, pure joy rushes over her.)
Rachel: Isabella! Isabella!!! (the two run into each other’s arms as if they have been connected for a lifetime. They push back, look at each other.)
Isabella: You look exactly like you did in the pictures you sent me. Exactly.
Rachel: You are too, right down to the scar on the left side of your face.
Isabella: (reading the sign) “Welcome to Luis Town. Welcome to America.” I’m really here.
Rachel: And it’s going to be great.
Isabella/ Rachel: I can’t believe I’m/ you’re here. (they both laugh)
Isabella: (looks around) Where is your family?
Rachel: Our.
Isabella: (confused) What do you mean?
Rachel: You live here now. This is your home and they are our family because you are now a part of this family.
Isabella: (smiles, in disbelief) I am. (Rachel nods, smiles. The girls take hands, giggling as they begin to exit the airport) This is the beginning of my American Dream.
Rachel/ Isabella: Yeah! (they continue to cheer)