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Full Title: A Collection of Poetry About Connecting to the Love in The Moon and Stars: When I Look Up, Moonlight


Most people have often looked up to the sky and wondered about what's up there or who is up there. As children we stare at the moon and the stars and they seem so far away and difficult to connect to. However, the older we get the more we take them for granted and the childlike fascination that we did have dies. In this collection we revisit our childhood in an effort to connect to the parts of our world that we only experience from a distance. Not realizing that sometimes the moon and the stars speak louder than we ever thought possible. In When I Look Up we hear a bittersweet story of a little girl and how her father taught her the importance of the stars. In Moonlight an adult uses their senses to connect to everything around them but when they focus on the moon the light that it gives is something they never expected. A very simple and loving collection of poetry that reminds us that the dreams that we had as children can still actively live in us as adults among the stars.

Love in The Moon and Stars

  • As a child my father would tell me

    “The truth lives in the stars”

    Up I look and up I see

    Up I look and up I dream

    Up I look and up I question

    And wonder

    And drift outside of myself into the

    Air that takes me to the clouds

    And then I’m off


    Up, up, up

    What used to be the world above me is now

    The world that I am living in

    The clouds have become my transportation

    Like a bike or a bus a car or a van

    Moving me through all of the beautiful things

    That I can only imagine exist in this world

    A world that is not my own


    On the other side of the clouds

    I am dropped off and

    Looking down there is no ground

    There is no earth for my body to rest on

    Just standing on a cloud

    Living in the clouds

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