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Javier is a teenage Hispanic young man standing in the office of the people that he believes have detained his father. He holds a gun to all of the hostages and gives them a choice, take him to his father or die. As the story unfolds we hear Javier’s story of how he arrived in America as a six-year-old boy with his father. The trip started with his two older brothers but they did not make it. His mother died in childbirth and the only thing that he has is his father who has now been taken away. His goal isn’t to break him out, it is simply to be able to see his father again, hug him and tell him that he loves him. His story is one of passion that should make the audience question exactly how black and white the concept of deportation is. Javier’s story is compelling as his father prepares them for “the race” he finds himself reflecting on times in Mexico where he sat outside of a bar to watch the track and field events of the Olympics. This was the story that his father used to prepare them for their run, they were all preparing for the Olympics. When the night came for the run they all got to the starting blocks and the race began. His reflection of this moment in his life is heartbreaking, he watched as his brothers began to vomit blood and have seizures. He didn’t understand why they his father left them in the desert or why he was strong enough to finish the race but they weren’t. His mind is racing as he, at moments points the gun at the hostages hoping someone will take the humanity side and not the job side of their choices and let him see his father. As the police sirens approach he realizes that he will never see his father again but he ask them if his father cried when they picked him up? If he didn’t he would cry when he found out what his son had done. 

Male- Tears Run

  • (Scene opens with Javier, a seventeen-year-old boy holding a gun on the audience. He is terrified, shaking, swirling around the room pointing the gun, looking at everyone. He is scared, but there is rawness in him that makes it very clear to the audience that he is not joking.) Where is he? Someone in this damn office knows where my father is. His name is Julio Rivera. He is forty- two years old. (Point to another person.) He has a tattoo on his right shoulder for my mother and one on the other shoulder for me. (Laughs) He calls them his good luck charms- lot of good it did him today. (To another person) Where is he? He was at work (Beat) he worked on the construction line with Forrest Construction building the bridge down on Eighth Avenue downtown. (Beat) He called me when you guys showed up. (He looks at his phone) He called and I missed it. I didn’t answer. (Beat, points the gun again.) I have six bullets in this gun and there are four of you. I won’t miss. I’m here to get my father and someone better start talking or I swear all of you will die today. My father did exactly what every father is supposed to do. He worked hard, took care of his family, and made sure that his sons understood the basic principles of being a man. (Smiles) I was the baby boy. My two older brothers were tough and strong and always looking out for me. To look at me you might never know that I was very small for my age. So my big brothers were huge in my little eyes and they were my hero’s. My mother passed away in birth, held that in my heart all my life. I don't know that I ever forgave myself for that. Because she died while giving birth to me my father always put forth a little more effort to make sure that I was okay. We would say our prayers at night and I would say things like, “Lord please tell my Mama that I am sorry that I hurt her.”
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