Middle school is not for the weak at heart, but alas Cornelius is exactly that. He is awkward, doesn’t have a ton of friends and anytime he is nervous he sweats… a lot. But this morning is different, this morning his alter ego Confident Cornelius shows up in his mirror during morning affirmations. OMG! Who is this cool guy and how can Cornelius embody some of that into him so that he can ask out the girl he likes, Olivia, and she actually says “yes.” A coming-of-age story that addresses what it takes to find your voice. In this case Cornelius has a little inner angel in his ear helping him through the whole way but like any good person with advice no one can see or hear him except Cornelius. School bully Bart works hard to get Olivia’s affection but when they meet up at the arcade and battle each other in a game of tennis we see that eventually a man has to stand on his own two feet and fight for the woman he loves. A fun exploration on what we have all gone through and how Cornelius will come out on the other side of sixth grade a little wiser and a whole lot stronger.
Searching for Middle School Confidence and Other Treasures
(An energetic, confident Cornelius wakes up to his alarm that makes him jump out of bed, open the shades to a beautiful sunrise. He then sings/ recites his morning mantra into the mirror.)
Cornelius: You are the dopest sixth grader Feller Middle School has ever seen. You’re suave (strikes a pose) smart (strikes a pose) and all the girls swoon over you. (he swoons then snaps to himself in the mirror) I’ll see you tomorrow Cornelius, today is your day. (Freeze. Cornelius steps outside of himself. This is a full transformation from the confident young man we have been seeing to the real Cornelius. He’s awkward. He sweats when he’s nervous, which is a lot, and he is not confident. He looks back at himself. To audience.) Yeah, that cool guy… well he isn’t me. (weird laugh) I wish. (He starts getting ready for school) I wish I looked at myself in the mirror and said all of those things, and like, like really meant them. I mean I could say them- but. (He takes a deep breath. He’s gonna try to recreate what confident Cornelius did earlier.)
Confident Cornelius: That’s it kid. Take a deep breath. You can do it. (Startled, Cornelius is scared.)
Cornelius: OMG! You’re like me. You’re me! (He almost faints)
Confident Cornelius: (Laughing) I’m slightly a far off- (he sees Cornelius fanning himself) very far off third cousin in a distant universe, but sure. Sure kid.
Cornelius: I think I’m gonna faint. (pacing) I’m talking to the cool version of me- (faints)
Confident Cornelius: Super freaking cool-
Cornelius: And he’s talking back! (faints again, with one eye open)
Confident Cornelius: (aside) This kid is wild. (laughs) So, do you think you can do it kid? (He takes Cornelius and places him in front of the mirror.) Some deep breaths. (Cornelius does, but it’s a struggle) Okay, that was harder than it should have been it’s just air- but okay okay that’s where you are. Give me one more. (Cornelius takes a deep breath) Say it.
Cornelius: (a struggle, Confident Cornelius is laughing through this) You are the dopest sixth grader Feller Middle School has ever seen.
Confident Cornelius: (celebrates) You did it kid.
Cornelius: “Dopest” isn’t really something I would say.
Confident Cornelius: Look kid you said … something. Take it as a win. Now you get to school and have a great day.
Cornelius: Will you be here when I get home?
Confident Cornelius: I’m always with you kid. (He’s hyping Cornelius up) It’s gonna be a great day.