Full Title: A Collection of Poetry About the Special Ways We Hit Childhood Milestones: I Crawled, I Walked: First Grade, Ninth Grade, Senior Year, I Ran
The greatest gift that we gain as adults is the ability to reflect. The ability to live in “if I knew then what I know now.” This collection takes three looks at life from three very different moments we have all experienced. In I Crawled we take a funny walk down memory lane for the point in our lives that no one remembers but we saw it in pictures. In I Walked we walk through 1st, 9th and 12th grades so see how we’ve matured from one year to the next and finally in I Ran we have that reflective moment. We are out of our parents’ house and on our own. How do we keep ourselves safe? How do we keep our feelings and our hearts safe and is that even possible. A sort of coming-of-age story that shares the highs and lows and the joys and sorrows of doing what we have all done… hit the milestone and grown up.
Special Ways We Hit Childhood Milestones
I didn’t appreciate the art of being a baby
People holding me and telling me over
And over and over again
How dog-gone cute I am.
I took it for granted as I sat back in my crib
Arms stretched without a care in the world
Because- well I didn’t know what the world was
Best time of my life, I tell ya.
Eating that good old milk at just the right temperature
My mom was the best! Not too hot but never cold-
Evolving to baby food and only organic over here in my highchair
The good stuff is what mom called it
She was right
I was spoiled
She was the real MVP.