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A Collection of Poetry About the Wishes a Teacher Has for Their Students: A Wish for Little Black Boys, I Wish My Children Would, Complain


One of the most important relationships that a child can have is that between them and their teacher. Someone who spends a lot of time with them and has the opportunity on a daily basis to make a difference in their lives. It might be that they are the person that the child goes to when they need a safe place to eat lunch, need someone to listen to the problems that they have left behind at home or someone to tell them they understand that life is hard. In A Wish for Little Black Boys, a teacher expresses their understanding of what life is and could be for black boys. A hope of change and a prayer for safety. In I Wish My Children Wouldis it an ode to the dreams that a teacher has for their students that they may never fully understand or achieve but the teacher believes in them that they can do anything. And finally, in Complain, a view into the mind of a teacher that has a difficult student. Asking the questions, they would love answers to, hoping that the student’s complaints can turn into something positive.

Wishes a Teacher Has for Their Students

  • A Collection of Poetry About the Wishes a Teacher Has for Their Students: A Wish for Little Black Boys, I Wish My Children Would, Complain



    A Wish for Little Black Boys

    I teach.

    During a birthday party for my kindergarteners Michael makes a wish and blows out his candles

    Then he tugs on my skirt, “I want to tell you my wish.”

    I lean over and he whispers…he whispers his wish…

    So, when I speak this poem, I must tell you that

    I have no shame in the job that I have

    The students I represent

    because no one else can wear the teachers hat like me

    Turned to the side when an attitude is necessary

    Turned to the back when the room is full of joy

    Sitting on my desk when I want to remind them that no matter

    What time of day it is all of the hats I wear are present.

    Being a teacher is in me

    I sleep in it like the comforter my mother wrapped me in the night my brother died

    I walk in it

    I sit in it

    I run in it

    But sometimes…

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